Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow


Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) education is designed to help pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage the opportunities,  challenges and responsibilities that they will face as they grow up and in adulthood.  Our PSHE curriculum focuses on the fundamental areas of: relationships (including those online) and health (both physical and mental). By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy,  building their self-esteem, resilience and empathy, our PSHE scheme will  support all our children, including the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, and enjoy successful  life experiences.

We educate and actively encourage our children to be thoughtful, responsible citizens who are able to make reasoned, valued judgments. We promote caring for themselves and others and the qualities and attitudes of desirable social values. Social and emotional aspects of learning are also linked into our units of work and opportunities for children to talk about issues personal to them are provided. 

Wherever possible, links to PSHE are made across the curriculum with Years 4 & 5 undertaking residential trips that build up teamwork skills. 

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) forms part of our statutory teaching.  The overall aim of RSE is to foster a positive notion of lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development, including how to look after physical and mental health.  We support the development of self-respect and empathy for others and promote the development of skills and understanding necessary to manage conflict peaceably, teaching children to learn how to recognise and avoid exploitation and abuse.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the non- scientific aspects of the sex education programme. 

On leaving Bushy Hill a successful learner of this subject will:

  • Have an understanding of their rights and responsibilities and act on these; 
  • Show empathy and display our school and the British Values, being respectful and tolerant; 
  • Be equipped with strategies for regulating their emotions and achieving physical and mental health;
  • Know how to stay safe in multiple situations, including online; 
  • Have the communication skills to make and maintain relationships effectively;
  • Be keen learners with excellent listening skills and a positive attitude;
  • Demonstrate resilience and a ‘growth mindset’ attitude to  face change/challenges positively.


PSHE Subject Report 2021/22

PSHE Subject Report 2020/21

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